Learn How To Heal, Reduce, Or Completely Eliminate
Pain In As Little As 30 Minutes Per Day

Have You Ever Suffered From Headaches and Neck Pain So Severe That You Were Unable To Turn Your Head?

Are your Headaches & Neck Pain so bad that you have trouble getting out of bed?
Have you spent time, money, and energy trying physical therapists, massage, and chiropractors without getting better?

Have You Ever Suffered From Headaches and Neck Pain 
So Severe That You Were Unable To Turn Your Head?

Are your Headaches & Neck Pain so bad that you have trouble getting out of bed?
Have you spent time, money, and energy trying physical therapists, massage, and chiropractors without getting better?

My own pain began in my 20’s. I worked at a deli, which required me to continually lift heavy products.

One day I reached into a case and felt a stabbing pain that I’d never felt before...

It seemed to reach into my very soul. I was shaken and scared—this felt
very serious.

The pain stayed with me for days, then gradually went away.

During my time at the deli, I also volunteered at a physical therapy clinic.

My job there was to fold laundry, sort weights and clean tables. 

One day I got another zinger and someone noticed.

My own pain began in my 20’s. I worked at a deli, which required me to continually lift heavy products.

One day I reached into a case and felt a stabbing pain that I’d never felt before...

It seemed to reach into my very soul. I was shaken and scared—this felt
very serious.

The pain stayed with me for days, then gradually went away.

During my time at the deli, I also volunteered at a physical therapy clinic.

My job there was to fold laundry, sort weights and clean tables. 

One day I got another zinger and someone noticed.

One of the therapists generously treated me a couple of times, and performed a particular technique that made me feel great!

But a few weeks later it returned again.

I kept wondering “What am I doing that’s causing this pain?”

It had to be my fault.

I must’ve done something wrong.

This was the moment that I decided to go school to become a physical therapist so I could figure this stuff out for myself.

Over the next few years, I had intermittent pain, but was very upset that I couldn’t figure out why.

One of the therapists generously treated me a couple of times, and performed a particular technique that made me feel great!

But a few weeks later it returned again.

I kept wondering “What am I doing that’s causing this pain?”

It had to be my fault.

I must’ve done something wrong.

This was the moment that I decided to go school to become a physical therapist so I could figure this stuff out for myself.

Over the next few years, I had intermittent pain, but was very upset that I couldn’t figure out why.

Years later, while at a training event, I suffered one of the worst bouts of pain I’d ever had.

I had to lean on the wall of my hotel just to make it to my room.

What would normally have been a two-minute talk, turned into 30 minutes of agony with every single step.

Once in my room I took off my shirt to see if something was wrong.

To my amazement, my spine was shifted at least 2 inches to the right.

Years later, while at a training event, I suffered one of the worst bouts of pain I’d ever had.

I had to lean on the wall of my hotel just to make it to my room.

What would normally have been a two-minute talk, turned into 30 minutes of agony with every single step.

Once in my room I took off my shirt to see if something was wrong.

To my amazement, my spine was shifted at least 2 inches to the right.

The Pain was Excruciating!

I was determined not to miss a minute of training.

So with 30 minutes left in my break, I began making my way back to the class.

I could barely walk and arrived late.

Clearly something was wrong and the instructors asked what it was.

“Well, for those of you who’ve never seen a lateral shift before, here’s what it looks like,” I said and pulled up my shirt to reveal my trunk.

Gasps were uttered!

I ended up needing wheelchair transport at the airport to fly home.

The Pain was Excruciating!

I was determined not to miss a minute of training.

So with 30 minutes left in my break, I began making my way back to the class.

I could barely walk and arrived late.

Clearly something was wrong and the instructors asked what it was.

“Well, for those of you who’ve never seen a lateral shift before, here’s what it looks like,” I said and pulled up my shirt to reveal my trunk.

Gasps were uttered!

I ended up needing wheelchair transport at the airport to fly home.

Hi I’m Rick Olderman...

Physical therapist, personal trainer, Pilates instructor, author and speaker. 

You’d think with all those credentials and training I must never experience chronic pain—but I have and still do sometimes. 

About 25 years ago I hurt at work to the point I couldn’t walk for a few days and I’ve been dealing with it ever since.

All through physical therapy school, I kept waiting to hear what the insider’s secrets were to fixing my pain. 

But they never came.

The focus was mostly on the structures that were painful, not so much about why they were painful.

Which is what you’ll learn in just a minute.

Then I thought getting certified as a Pilates instructor would give me the answers—nope. 

Maybe there was something in personal training to help—again no. 

I’ve done lots of yoga too with the same result. 

Instinctively though I knew it had something to do with how I was using my body. 

And you might have this feeling too.

As I unraveled the puzzle of my patients’ pain, I established and organized a few core concepts and techniques. 

My approach will help eliminate your headaches and neck pain. 

And you will remain pain-free with occasional maintenance on your part.

Hi I’m Rick Olderman...

Physical therapist, personal trainer, Pilates instructor, author and speaker. 

You’d think with all those credentials and training I must never experience chronic pain—but I have and still do sometimes. 

About 25 years ago I got hurt at work to the point I couldn’t walk for a few days and I’ve been dealing with it ever since.

All through physical therapy school, I kept waiting to hear what the insider’s secrets were to fixing my pain. 

But they never came.

The focus was mostly on the structures that were painful, not so much about why they were painful.

Which is what you’ll learn in just a minute.

Then I thought getting certified as a Pilates instructor would give me the answers—nope. 

Maybe there was something in personal training to help—again no. 

I’ve done lots of yoga too with the same result. 

Instinctively though I knew it had something to do with how I was using my body. 

And you might have this feeling too.

As I unraveled the puzzle of my patients’ pain, I established and organized a few core concepts and techniques. 

My approach will help eliminate your headaches and neck pain. 

And you will remain pain-free with occasional maintenance on your part.

How can I say this?

Because A Big Part Of Fixing Headaches & Neck Pain And Remaining Pain-free Is About Changing Pain-producing Habits You Don’t Even Know You Have.

If you think about it, there are certain activities you do that make your headaches and neck pain worse.

Things like bending over, sleeping, walking or sitting at your computer.
So, you avoid those things.

But you have to ask yourself… why are those activities causing your pain?

The answer is the key to your success in eliminating your headaches and neck pain for good.

And that’s what I’ve figured out.

That’s Why I Developed Fixing Your headaches & neck Pain, My Comprehensive Approach To Healing Your headaches and neck pain, Once And For All!

The program is both simple and effective.

It's broken down into two parts: Pain Reduction and Strength Restoration.

In the Pain Reduction series, we focus on eliminating your pain with gentle exercises that have worked for thousands of my patients.

Then, once you're about 75% better, we start the Strength Restoration series.

This works amazingly well, because once we have reduced your pain, we want to build your strength in that area so that your pain doesn’t return.

When you restore optimal movement and stop doing those invisible things that are continually hurting your body, you’ll be amazed at how quickly your pain will melt away, whether you’ve had it for 20 days or 20 years.

How can I say this?

Because A Big Part Of Fixing Headaches & Neck Pain And Remaining Pain-free Is About Changing Pain-producing Habits You Don’t Even Know You Have.

If you think about it, there are certain activities you do that make your headaches and neck pain worse.

Things like bending over, sleeping, walking or sitting at your computer.
So, you avoid those things.

But you have to ask yourself… why are those activities causing your pain?

The answer is the key to your success in eliminating your headaches and neck pain for good.

And that’s what I’ve figured out.

That’s Why I Developed Fixing Your headaches & neck Pain, My Comprehensive Approach To Healing Your headaches and neck pain, Once And For All!

The program is both simple and effective.

It's broken down into two parts: Pain Reduction and Strength Restoration.

In the Pain Reduction series, we focus on eliminating your pain with gentle exercises that have worked for thousands of my patients.

Then, once you're about 75% better, we start the Strength Restoration series.

This works amazingly well, because once we have reduced your pain, we want to build your strength in that area so that your pain doesn’t return.

When you restore optimal movement and stop doing those invisible things that are continually hurting your body, you’ll be amazed at how quickly your pain will melt away, whether you’ve had it for 20 days or 20 years.

Like one of my patients, Debbie...

Debbie had been in a motor vehicle accident several years earlier which left her with debilitating migraine headaches.

I discovered her problem actually came from her shoulder girdle system. We fixed the shoulder blade and her migraines have not returned—even several years later.

By the way, if you do have chronic neck pain or headaches, it likely is coming from your shoulder girdle system too. It’s also likely that none of your practitioners have looked here for the source of your pain, which is why you continue to suffer.

My program will guide you in solving these issues contributing to your chronic neck/shoulder or even headache pain.

Like one of my patients, Debbie...

Debbie had been in a motor vehicle accident several years earlier which left her with debilitating migraine headaches.

I discovered her problem actually came from her shoulder girdle system. We fixed the shoulder blade and her migraines have not returned—even several years later.

By the way, if you do have chronic neck pain or headaches, it likely is coming from your shoulder girdle system too. It’s also likely that none of your practitioners have looked here for the source of your pain, which is why you continue to suffer.

My program will guide you in solving these issues contributing to your chronic neck/shoulder or even headache pain.

Let me be clear, Fixing Your Headaches & Neck Pain is not your standard physical therapy or chiropractic exercise program—it goes way beyond that..

My approach is simply common sense and I’m always amazed no one thought of it before.

I’m also not going to mislead you to think there’s one magic stretch or move that will fix your pain. 

You see this promise all over the internet and it simply isn’t true.

I use these techniques and exercises you’re about to learn every day, and see miraculous recoveries as a result.

I’ve sold tens of thousands of books and helped people all over the world solve their pain.

Let me be clear, Fixing Your Headaches & Neck Pain is not your standard physical therapy or chiropractic exercise program—it goes way beyond that..

My approach is simply common sense and I’m always amazed no one thought of it before.

I’m also not going to mislead you to think there’s one magic stretch or move that will fix your pain. 

You see this promise all over the internet and it simply isn’t true.

I use these techniques and exercises you’re about to learn every day, and see miraculous recoveries as a result.

I’ve sold tens of thousands of books and helped people all over the world solve their pain.

Basically there were two things that got all those people better:

  • They were willing to do something to help themselves and
  • They had the right information.

If you have one of these but not the other, then you’re not going to see improvement, which is why you’re watching me right now.

I’ve simplified my approach so that anyone anywhere can become pain free.

I’m not interested in just eliminating your pain, I want to eliminate the reasons you have it in the first place...

You’ll find unique answers in my videos that combine strengthening, stretching, taping recommendations, and changing your invisible harmful habits.

The point I’m making here is that your normal way of doing things, while it might feel natural, is probably contributing to your pain. 

Aside from not knowing which habits are bad for you, one of the reasons you haven’t changed those painful habits is because it feels unnatural or wrong to your brain — just like that second way of lacing your fingers. And so you don’t change them.

Basically there were two things that got all those people better:

  • They were willing to do something to help themselves and
  • They had the right information.

If you have one of these but not the other, then you’re not going to see improvement, which is why you’re watching me right now.

I’ve simplified my approach so that anyone anywhere can become pain free.

I’m not interested in just eliminating your pain, I want to eliminate the reasons you have it in the first place...

You’ll find unique answers in my videos that combine strengthening, stretching, taping recommendations, and changing your invisible harmful habits.

The point I’m making here is that your normal way of doing things, while it might feel natural, is probably contributing to your pain. 

Aside from not knowing which habits are bad for you, one of the reasons you haven’t changed those painful habits is because it feels unnatural or wrong to your brain — just like that second way of lacing your fingers. And so you don’t change them.

My Fixing Your headaches & neck Pain program will show you what those habits are and how to fix them.

Replacing your bad habits with good ones will feel a little different initially, but you’ll notice your pain will fade away the more you practice.

All this in addition to simple exercises to reverse irritation to your joints and muscles.

My videos share all the secrets I’ve learned over the last 20+ years into simple 20 to 30 minute routines.

In the past, you've probably done a thousand different exercises with maybe one or two that might help a little.

Not so with Fixing Your headaches & neck Pain.

Each strengthening or stretching exercise or taping technique is designed to precisely fix an issue relating to your pain.

There’s no wasted time.

It’ll be just like coming to my clinic, without the expensive travel costs, insurance hassles and co-pays.

I’ve talked a lot about how my Fixing Your Headaches & Neck Pain program will help you solve your headaches and neck pain.

I want to take you inside the members area of my program now to show you how it all works...

so you can see how this is completely different than anything you’ve tried before

Which is why it works!

click here to SEE how my program works.

My Fixing Your headaches & neck Pain program will show you what those habits are and how to fix them.

Replacing your bad habits with good ones will feel a little different initially, but you’ll notice your pain will fade away the more you practice.

All this in addition to simple exercises to reverse irritation to your joints and muscles.

My videos share all the secrets I’ve learned over the last 20+ years into simple 20 to 30 minute routines.

In the past, you've probably done a thousand different exercises with maybe one or two that might help a little.

Not so with Fixing Your headaches & neck Pain.

Each strengthening or stretching exercise or taping technique is designed to precisely fix an issue relating to your pain.

There’s no wasted time.

It’ll be just like coming to my clinic, without the expensive travel costs, insurance hassles and co-pays.

I’ve talked a lot about how my Fixing Your Headaches & Neck Pain program will help you solve your headaches and neck pain.

I want to take you inside the members area of my program now to show you how it all works...

so you can see how this is completely different than anything you’ve tried before

Which is why it works!

click here to SEE how my program works.

Next, you’ll watch the Welcome and Introduction videos. These are important so you know why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Then, we’re on to the Pain Reduction program. These are the exercises that will correct your body and solve your pain so please pay attention and spend a lot of time with these exercises to correct problems. Set 1 is longer because it has all my instructions in it. Stick with Set 1 until you understand what you’re doing. Once you know that you’re doing them correctly, you can simply then go to Set 2 and the exercise session will go much faster without all my instructions.

Now if you’re in great pain, have had chronic pain for a long time, or are nervous about starting a new program, you’ll want to begin with the Somatics Bonus section below. These are very gentle but powerful movement lessons, each about 30 minutes, to help you unlock unconscious painful contraction patterns in your body. People love them.

While you’re working on the Pain Reduction and Somatics exercises, I want you also to begin fixing your hidden painful habits that are likely causing all these problems. You’ll do that here in the Changing Habits video. Please watch it closely and really pay attention to what you’re doing. This information is critical to your long-term goals of eliminating pain for good.

Below that video, you’ll see the Extra Help video. This will likely be very valuable to you because it shows unique taping techniques that will correct your body. Most people feel almost immediate pain relief implementing these techniques. Taping will be your bridge to pain relief, until you’re able to fix your habits and tight or weak muscles found in the Pain Reduction phase. Once all those are fixed, you can then taper off the tape and maintain everything naturally without taping.

I want to also show you I’ve included some checklists for you to help you stay on track with your program. You’ll see one for Pain Reduction and one for Restoration but I want to highlight this Overall Pain Checklist. This one is really important because it prompts you to think about your response to this program like I would. Basically, it’s replacing me. Please print this off and fill it out during the week.

Then down here, you’ll record your PDI score and the week number.

Then down here I ask you questions about how you’re responding to help guide you.

Keep this in a binder to help you see how you are improving and what’s working for you.

Lastly, once you’re 75% better, which you’ll know if you’ve been filling out the PDI weekly, you then begin the Restoration phase of the program. These exercises will help you on your way to returning to work, exercise, fun, or just cleaning around the house. Please do not begin this phase until you’re 75% better—that’s really important.

And that’s a quick overview of what you’ll get in the Members Area.

I want to put the power to help yourself back into your own hands and I don’t want you to break the bank to do this.


For less than an office copay, you’ll get all the answers you need from my 20+ years of experience to help you become pain free.

Not only that but you’ll have a full 30 day money back guarantee.

If I don’t have the answers for you—I don’t want your money.

No questions asked. That is my personal promise to you.

But of course I can say this because I’m pretty darn confident my approach will help you.

It’s worked for thousands of people, it’s still working for thousands of people because I use it every day with my patients and I truly believe it’ll help you too.

What would that be worth to you?

My Fixing Your Headaches & Neck Pain program usually sells for $199…

but because I want to help as many people as I possibly can…

I’ve decided to make it available for only $67.

Digital Access

Fixing Your Headaches & Neck Pain
Program with two FREE bonuses

  • ​ Expert Secrets eBook
  • ​ Somatic Audio Lessons
  • ​ Support Video Call



I want to put the power to help yourself back into your own hands and I don’t want you to break the bank to do this.


For less than an office copay, you’ll get all the answers you need from my 20+ years of experience to help you become pain free.

Not only that but you’ll have a full 30 day money back guarantee.

If I don’t have the answers for you—I don’t want your money.

No questions asked. That is my personal promise to you.

But of course I can say this because I’m pretty darn confident my approach will help you.

It’s worked for thousands of people, it’s still working for thousands of people because I use it every day with my patients and I truly believe it’ll help you too.

What would that be worth to you?

My Fixing Your Headaches & Neck Pain program usually sells for $199…

but because I want to help as many people as I possibly can…

I’ve decided to make it available for only $67.

Digital Access

Fixing Your Headaches & Neck Pain Program with
two FREE bonuses

  • ​ Expert Secrets eBook
  • ​ Somatic Audio Lessons
  • ​ Support Video Call



I know you’re skeptical.

But your skepticism is based on the past failures of others’ promises.

It has nothing to do with what you’re actually able to accomplish.

Part of you still believes you can solve your pain—and I think you’re right.

I know you’re skeptical.

But your skepticism is based on the past failures of others’ promises.

It has nothing to do with what you’re actually able to accomplish.

Part of you still believes you can solve your pain—and I think you’re right.

Of course at this point you can choose not to move forward...

I would encourage you to suspend your skepticism for two weeks and take a chance to change your life. Two weeks. Not long in the scheme of things.

It’s no coincidence that you’re here.

It’s time to feel better.

Today could be the beginning of the end of your pain.

It could be the beginning of you finally understanding why you’re having pain.

It could be the beginning of you feeling like you’re in control of your life, rather than your pain being in control of you.

Remember there’s no risk to you other than putting your fears and doubts aside and trying something new and different.

You deserve to be better.

You can be better.

You deserve to enjoy your life again.

And I think I can help you get there.

Digital Access

Fixing Your Headaches & Neck Pain
Program with two FREE bonuses

  • ​ Expert Secrets eBook
  • ​ Somatic Audio Lessons
  • ​ Support Video Call



Of course at this point you can choose not to move forward...

I would encourage you to suspend your skepticism for two weeks and take a chance to change your life. Two weeks. Not long in the scheme of things.

It’s no coincidence that you’re here.

It’s time to feel better.

Today could be the beginning of the end of your pain.

It could be the beginning of you finally understanding why you’re having pain.

It could be the beginning of you feeling like you’re in control of your life, rather than your pain being in control of you.

Remember there’s no risk to you other than putting your fears and doubts aside and trying something new and different.

You deserve to be better.

You can be better.

You deserve to enjoy your life again.

And I think I can help you get there.

What would that be worth to you?

My Fixing Your Back Pain
program usually sells for

$199, but because

can, I’ve decided to make it available at the very low price you see below.

Of course at this point you can choose not to move forward—that’s up to you.

But your skepticism is based on the past failures of others’ promises.

Part of you still believes you can solve
your pain—and I think you’re right.

It’s no coincidence
that you’re here.

Today could be the beginning of
the end of your pain.

It could be the beginning of you feeling like you’re in control of your life, rather than your pain being in control of you.

You deserve to be better.

You deserve to enjoy your life again.

I know
you’re skeptical.

It has nothing to do with what you’re actually able to accomplish.

I would encourage you to suspend your skepticism for two weeks and take a chance to change your life. Two weeks. Not long in the scheme of things.

It’s time
to feel better.

It could be the beginning of you finally
understanding why you’re having pain.

Remember there’s no risk to you other than putting your fears and doubts aside and trying something new and different.

You can be better.

And I think I can help you get there.

If You Purchase Today, I Have Two Additional Bonuses For You Worth $198.


Expert Secrets

To fix Stubborn Pain Ebook

In this book I want to show you some information you might be missing that may well be holding you back from getting better.

Here’s what you will learn:

  • My Top 5 Secrets for Reducing Pain
  • Why Surgery Doesn’t Always Solve Pain
  • ​How Mindset Influences Pain in the Body


Somatic Audio Lessons

Hanna Somatics has become my primary treatment recommendation for solving recurring pain.

It’s an incredible technique that I utilize every day.

If you have recurring pain or chronic tension and want to learn how to unlock your body’s hidden pain patterns, you’ll want my 8 Somatic Audio Lessons.

Each lesson emphasizes a different pattern of movement in the body and has been designed to be gentle.

Even if you're not in the best shape or are "more mature" than most, these audio lessons will work for you.

And because these are recordings, you can listen to them any place and as many times as you like.

When you combine these two bonuses with the Fixing Your Headaches & Neck Pain program, it's very likely that we can heal, reduce, or even eliminate your neck pain and headaches once and for all.

If You Purchase Today, I Have Two Additional Bonuses For You Worth $198.


Expert Secrets

To fix Stubborn Pain Ebook

In this book I want to show you some information you might be missing that may well be holding you back from getting better.

Here’s what you will learn:

  • My Top 5 Secrets for Reducing Pain
  • Why Surgery Doesn’t Always Solve Pain
  • ​How Mindset Influences Pain in the Body


Somatic Audio Lessons

Hanna Somatics has become my primary treatment recommendation for solving recurring pain.

It’s an incredible technique that I utilize every day.

If you have recurring pain or chronic tension and want to learn how to unlock your body’s hidden pain patterns, you’ll want my 8 Somatic Audio Lessons.

Each lesson emphasizes a different pattern of movement in the body and has been designed to be gentle.

Even if you're not in the best shape or are "more mature" than most, these audio lessons will work for you.

And because these are recordings, you can listen to them any place and as many times as you like.

When you combine these two bonuses with the Fixing Your Headaches & Neck Pain program, it's very likely that we can heal, reduce, or even eliminate your headaches and neck pain once and for all.

What would that be worth to you?

My Fixing Your Back Pain program usually sells for

$199, but because

can, I’ve decided to make it available at the very low price you see below.

Of course at this point you can choose not to move forward—that’s up to you.

But your skepticism is based on the past failures of others’ promises.

Part of you still believes you can solve
your pain—and I think you’re right.

It’s no coincidence
that you’re here.

Today could be the beginning of
the end of your pain.

It could be the beginning of you feeling like you’re in control of your life, rather than your pain being in control of you.

You deserve to be better.

You deserve to enjoy your life again.

I know
you’re skeptical.

It has nothing to do with what you’re actually able to accomplish.

I would encourage you to suspend your skepticism for two weeks and take a chance to change your life. Two weeks. Not long in the scheme of things.

It’s time
to feel better.

It could be the beginning of you finally
understanding why you’re having pain.

Remember there’s no risk to you other than putting your fears and doubts aside and trying something new and different.

You can be better.

And I think I can help you get there.

And if you act today…

You’ll also get an invitation to attend one of my Live Group Video sessions… 

where people just like you get support and ask questions…

about my Fixing Your Headaches & Neck Pain program…

which is worth an additional $100.

And if you act today…

You’ll also get an invitation to attend one of my Live Group Video sessions… 

where people just like you get support and ask questions…

about my Fixing Your Headaches & Neck Pain program…

which is worth an additional $100.

Digital Access

Fixing Your Headaches & Neck Pain Program with
two FREE bonuses

  • ​ Expert Secrets eBook
  • ​ Somatic Audio Lessons
  • ​ Support Video Call



Download Your Program Now!
You’ll Be So Happy You Did!

Receive Instant Access to Download on Any of Your Devices
2-Level Videos
(Tension Reduction, Level 2: Restoration)
8 Somatics Movement Lessons ($50 value!)

Digital Access

Fixing Your Headaches & Neck Pain
Program with two FREE bonuses

  • ​ Expert Secrets eBook
  • ​ Somatic Audio Lessons
  • ​ Support Video Call



  STEP 1: Select Your Program - Back Pain

Everything I’m offering you is worth well over $500

But if you act now, you can have it all for the super low price of  $67!

To get started just pick the option that’s best for you.

You can choose the digital-only program where you will receive instant access through our online members area.

Or, you can choose the physical version of the program where you will receive DVDs shipped to your door, as well as having access to our online members area.

Don’t forget, your purchase is backed by my 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

I am so looking forward to helping you end your pain and live pain free again.

Rick Olderman

Everything I’m offering you is worth well over $500

But if you act now, you can have it all for the super low price of  $67!

To get started just pick the option that’s best for you.

You can choose the digital-only program where you will receive instant access through our online members area.

Or, you can choose the physical version of the program where you will receive DVDs shipped to your door, as well as having access to our online members area.

Don’t forget, your purchase is backed by my 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

I am so looking forward to helping you end your pain and live pain free again.

Rick Olderman

Digital Access

Fixing Your Headaches & Neck Pain Program with
two FREE bonuses

  • ​ Expert Secrets eBook
  • ​ Somatic Audio Lessons
  • ​ Support Video Call



Download Your Program Now!
You’ll Be So Happy You Did!

Receive Instant Access to Download on Any of Your Devices
2-Level Videos
(Tension Reduction, Level 2: Restoration)
8 Somatics Movement Lessons ($50 value!)

Digital Download

Fixing Your Back Pain Program
with two FREE bonuses.

  • ​ Bonus #1: Expert Secrets eBook
  • ​ Bonus #2: Somatic Audio Lessons
  • ​ Support Video Call
  • ​Two-Part Series: 
  • ​Level 1: Pain Reduction
  • ​Level 2: Restoration & Strength
  • ​Pain Reduction Checklist
  • ​Exercise Tracker



DVD + Digital Download

Fixing Your Back Pain Program
two FREE bonuses and
shipped to your door

  • ​ Bonus #1: Expert Secrets eBook
  • ​Two-Part Series: 
  • ​Level 1: Pain Reduction
  • ​Level 2: Restoration & Strength
  • ​Pain Reduction Checklist
  • ​Exercise Tracker
  • ​ Bonus #2: Somatic Audio Lessons
  • ​ Support Video Call


$47 + S&H

  STEP 1: Select Your Program - Back Pain

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  STEP 1: Select Your Program - Back Pain

Frequently Asked Questions

 What if I’m not in good shape?

Don’t worry just like in my clinic, I’ve modified key exercises for different bodies. I’ve created different levels or modifications so just about anyone can follow along. This is not a strenuous program, instead it’s a method to first reduce strain to your muscles and joints. Once reduced the second video will help you become stronger, but even this video is not strenuous. You can do it!

 Can older people do this?

Absolutely! I’ve created the different levels and modifications to specifically allow older people to benefit. We help older patients in the clinic all the time so I understand what modifications are necessary for you to get started.

 Will this take a lot of my time?

I’m a father and husband of a family of four with my own clinic to run so I know what it means not to have personal time. I’ve given a lot of thought and consideration to each exercise to make sure you’re getting the most out of it. That way I can keep your program streamlined. The exercise portion of this program will take 20-30 minutes. I recommend doing the program in the morning before your day begins. I think you’ll get even faster result if you can fit in a second session before you go to bed but that’s up to you.

The habits part of this program takes no additional time out of your day. You’ll learn which habits are likely contributing to your muscle tension and strain and you’ll correct them throughout the day. This is perhaps the most powerful aspect of my program.

 What if it doesn’t help?

I think this is unlikely because of my decades of experience treating injuries from head to toe and the success of my books, but as I mentioned before I will refund 100% of your payment for a full 60 days after your purchase. I don’t want your money if I can’t help you.

In my experience, people with chronic stress and muscle tension have spent so much money chasing empty promises, I don’t want to be another disappointment in your life. There will be no hassles, no questions asked if you ask for a refund.

 Why should your program work where others have failed?

This is a great question and without going into tedious detail in most cases, traditional treatment methods do not have the depth of understanding about how different parts of the body affect each other to create or fix stress/muscle tension. Because of this, most treatments focus only on a small part of the body nearest your pain. But the connections in our bodies range farther than that. It’s taken me years to figure all this out and develop a treatment approach to fix these issues. But you likely will not permanently fix a problem if you don’t fix your movement habits that are stressing your body. That’s what I do differently and that’s why my approach is so successful. No-one else has made these connections as deeply as I have. This is the only program of its kind.

 Are my credit and other information safe?

Absolutely. I get just as nervous as you when I purchase something online from a new site. That’s why I’ve taken pains to make sure we’re using a 100% secure payment form. Your credit card and personal information are electronically processed without compromise. Clickbank is a Top 100 global retailer, accredited by the Better Business Bureau and trusted by over 200 million customers in more than 190 countries.

 Who is ClickBank?

Clickbank is a global platform where product creators can share their information with millions of customers on a 100% secure network. Only after being approved through a strict authorization process and showing evidence on all written claims can a product creator sell their program using this platform. Clickbank’s rigorous approval process ensures only high quality products and valid information is given to all customers.

 Will I be billed multiple times?

Absolutely not. This is a one-time secure payment and you’ll be an owner of the program forever. Nothing irritates me more than when I find someone has billed me repeatedly when I was unaware. Again I’ve made sure this will not happen. You pay once and you’re done.

© Boone Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

For Product Support, please contact the vendor HERE.
For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE.


The contents of this site are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition, suspected medical condition, and before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or before taking or stopping any medication. Reliance on any information provided by this site and others appearing on the site is solely at your own risk. The site and its contents are provided on an "as is" basis.

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© Boone Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

For Product Support, please contact the vendor HERE.
For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE.


The contents of this site are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition, suspected medical condition, and before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or before taking or stopping any medication. Reliance on any information provided by this site and others appearing on the site is solely at your own risk. The site and its contents are provided on an "as is" basis.

The thoughts and opinions expressed here are those of the seller(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of Click Sales, Inc., its parents, subsidiaries or affiliates. The products, information, and other content provided by this seller are provided for informational purposes only. In the event of any problem with products that customers purchase through this seller, customers agree that their sole remedy is from the seller, if any, in accordance with any seller warranties and/or seller refund policy.

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